Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Loving Kindness

Now that I'm old enough to have accepted wrinkles as a trade for wisdom, I know that probably one of the most important acts that can be done on a daily basis is to treat others with loving kindness.  Did you ever consider what a single act of loving kindness might mean to someone you have never met?

For many years, I walked across the parking lot on my way to morning workout, passing others who were returning to their cars from doing the same. Many walked with heads bowed, some walked and talked on their phones at the same time, some seemed as if in a daze. None of those people spoke or even smiled. One day, about 6 months ago, I decided that I was going to step up my "kindness quotient" and spread it around over the course of my day. I began to say "good morning" to people in the parking lot on the way to workout, or just smile to someone I encountered. I was amazed at how people reacted in a positive way with the same enthusiasm as I had. There were, occasionally a few people who barely muttered anything audible. Some even were so stunned that they didn't even look at me and pretended they didn't hear. But, for the most part the responses were positive.

Think of it this way: There may be someone out there who lives alone, speaks to no one all day, is sick or in pain, or otherwise has little contact with fellow human beings. You might make their day if you offer a hand, pick up something they dropped, or even just flash a gentle smile on passing.

We must all take responsibility to make this world a better place. Staying inside your little world will only cause you to think more of yourself. Stepping out, reaching out, giving of yourself and all your unique talents and skills will generate more love. The positive energy will begin to spread to others and across your town and country to far reaches of the world. We will become a better human race when we all love and care for one another.

After all, that's why the Beatles wrote the song lyrics "all you need is love".

Now, just do it.

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