Thursday, February 9, 2017

Intuition: Your POWERFUL 6th sense

I have used my intuition for many years in my work as a visual artist.  I consider this sense to be so important to who I am and what I do that I like to call it the 6th sense:  seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing and also intuitive thought. Gary Zukov, in his best-selling book "The Seat of the Soul" writes of the experience of a multisensory human being as one who includes intuition as the 6th of the senses. It is the mysterious power of "just knowing".

When you rely on your 6th sense, you know, deep inside, when something feels right. It may mean the right path to choose, an important decision that you know in your gut is right, or when to avoid a certain situation or even to avoid a person or group you may have encountered that needs to be left behind. 

A recent health issue that I experienced involved my intuitive powers, and I am grateful that it happened as it did, because it led to a diagnosis and improving my condition and getting well. I had been excessively thirsty for months on end, for no reason that could be found through testing. As my health deteriorated, I became weak and exhausted for days, unable to perform daily tasks. One evening as my husband was cooking dinner for us, it occurred to me that I would like to eat some potato chips. This was out of the ordinary for me, as I rarely eat processed foods. I found a snack bag of chips in the pantry, ate the whole thing, and to my utter amazement, two hours later I felt completely normal! A gift from the heavens was miraculously bestowed on me. This was the vital clue that I needed to take my health mystery to the next level. Salt made me feel normal!!!

Thank you, intuitive powers! The next doctor I visited used this important information to find a diagnosis and a medicine that would retain salt and fluid and bring me back to the life I longed for, to feel like a normal human being again. I am abundantly blessed.

Our intuitive powers have many uses. Listen to that message in your head to give you direction and guidance.

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