Saturday, November 23, 2013

Do you feel creative?

A message on Facebook that came recently from an old high school classmate inspired a thread of  conversation in my head about who feels creative and what inner conversations have they had about being creative. Colyn wrote, "sometimes I think I'm an artist without permission."

Last spring, after months of research, I gave a lecture at a gallery that carries my work on the subject of creativity. My intention was initially to help those who consider themselves creative to release a creative block, or to simply allow for more ideas to flow freely. What I discovered in my research is that we are indeed,  all born creative. Creative thought is generated by the right hemisphere of the brain, which also governs emotion, sensitivity and abstract thought, while the left hemisphere is scientific, logical, organized. Often in childhood, some individuals are encouraged to focus on left brain activities, such as science experiments or building projects. Other children are encouraged to perform creative activities such as coloring with crayons or learning to dance.  My theory is that if children are encouraged to try a variety of both left and right brain activities, that they will carry a balanced, more non-dominant brain with them into adulthood.

So you say, "now I'm an adult and I can't even draw a stick figure!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you CAN. You must simply exercise the right hemisphere of your brain on a regular basis. Begin by doodling or painting simple images. But, most importantly, don't allow FEAR to overtake your determination. In time, creative thought will emerge and become stronger. And you will see a change coming over you. You will observe that while you are doing a creative activity, that you feel calm and relaxed, even at times oblivious to the world around you. That is what artists know as "being in the zone."

I have the good fortune of being part of a creative people's forum that explores the creation of art quilts and related subject matter. One of the participants, Nina Marie Sayre, has a blog called "Off the Wall Friday" in which she invites anyone with a subject relating to art quilting to submit their blog. Its a great way to "share the love" and I encourage all of you out there who are feeling weak in the creativity department to find a forum where you can connect with like minded people. It will bring you inspiration.



  1. I say, suspend the doubt, those thoughts that you are not creative, just for the day, just for the morning, just for while we are painting together,. Because you are ,we all are. It is much like a muscle, you have to use it to get stronger and you must do the work to improve. When hear "oh, I can't paint/quilt /design like you from a viewer or student or customer say ," You are correct! and with practice and desire and work you can paint/quilt/design like You.!"
